Fund Rising on


EZ’s Place, founded in 2008, was the first non-profit horse protection organization established in Italy. It is the only organization whose mission is to care for elderly horses guaranteeing personalized care, nutrition, innovative veterinary treatments and solutions to improve the quality of life of horses with health problems or considered to be at the “end of their careers”. Daily care and interaction with companions and volunteers are fundamental to the horses’ recovery.

We currently house 19 horses, 3 donkeys, 2 goats, 6 elderly dogs and sundry other animals. Among the horses 15 were either abandoned by their owners, exploited and discarded after years of competing or rescued from abusive situations and they are all the responsibility of the non-profit. Several are now over 30 having regained their health and will to live.

The non-profit doesn’t receive any for of governmental or other subsidy as horses are not considered companion animals. Considered sources of income they are not assisted when they develop problems and require care but are instead lead to their death.

EZ’s Place-Horse Shelter survives only thanks to donations. Every year the Shelter accumulates a debt of at least 10,000 euros which is becoming increasingly unsustainable. The Shelter volunteers are organizing fundraiser to try to pay down this debt-but there is never enough money. The president has exhausted her funds, she now needs your contribution so that after a life of exploitation the animals are afforded the well being, protection and assistance they deserve so they can age with dignity.

We’re asking your help to insure the survival of a non-profit which is experiencing severe financial difficulties.


10th Annual Fund Raiser Ranch Fest

Volantino della festa

Sunday, June 28th, the Shelter is hosting its big annual festival and this year will be the festival’s tenth anniversary!

A not to be missed opportunity to become acquainted with and support the Shelter and help the animals who live here.

An important note

We can’t forget that we are guests at the horses’ home! Because of this we regret that we can’t admit dogs, even if on a leash, since we can’t guarantee the safety of either the dogs or horses during the festival.


Miracles do happen!!

In september something very strange happened. Do you have time? Can I tell you the story?

My oldest horse, 44 years old and called Nonnina (means Little Granny) has been having little attacks of “alzheimers” lately. She acts very confused and lost sometimes. So Monday my Vet/Osteopath came and was going to take some blood out, enrich it with ozone and then IV it back into her. Hoping to bring oxygen supply to the brain. Well, Monday morning, Nonnina who had spend the Sunday in the barn, was behaving like a 3 year old when I took her out to the paddock to her friends in the morning.

She was bucking and cantering and full of energies. When the Vet arrived we decided that Nonnina was not in need of this treatment …yet. He looked after a few other horses and at around 3pm I asked him to still do a little check up on her, just to be save (heart, lungs etc.) Her pulse was a bit slow but it always is slower then the one of the other horses. She looked kind of tired so I put her in the barn and in she went without complaining. But then…she did not want to eat and started symptoms of colic.

Now I got worried. I took her out to walk around a bit because she was full of gas. A few minutes later Nonnina decided to lay down because she was soooo very tired. (Nonni had never done this before).

We ran for blankets, covered her all up and stayed with her. She seeked the hand that stroked her and layed very still. After another 2 hours (by then its dark,cold and humid) she pees herself, her gums are going pale and her eyes are getting very glazy. This it – it we thought. What do we do? Considering her age… it was time for her to go, it was getting colder and I didn’t want for her to be cold or suffer in any way. We decided …it would be a miracle for her to snap out of that and miricals just don’t happen. All I wanted for her to go peacefully with no pain or discomfort, so the Vet went to his car to prepare the finally shoots. Not five minutes after he left, Daffy, Nonninas companion, calls out to her. She got up, answered his call and took a major pee. MIRACLES DO HAPPEN !!!

She has been Daffys shadow for the following 3 days and has been getting stronger and stronger. Today she is back to her usual self, eating normal and being more independent from Daffy. She needed his energie… but now she has her own back.

Now I always know when Nonnina is not feeling well. Whenever she is glued to her friend Daffy and he walks around looking like a horse with 8 legs. The better she feels, the more she disattaches from him.

Evelyne Zedan

Noelle Scala, Why I Volunteer

What is it that is so special about a little piece of Italy nestled at the bottom of the Italian Alps and surrounded by lush green farm land?
What is it about this place that keeps me coming back again and again? The answer to those two questions is simple.

Unconditional love.

You see it may appear that I’m the one giving all the love and attention, but it’s really the other way around.
For four hours a week I’m not judged on how fast I can meet a deadline, how quickly I can come up with the right answer, or how courteous I was or was not to a customer. I am simply shown love.

How you may ask does a horse show love, it’s not like they can hug you or just come right out and say I love you.
It’s really nothing more than looking deep into there eyes all the way down to their soul or feeling that gentle nuzzle they are so good at giving.
If you are even lucky enough you just might get a kiss. Yes I said a kiss, well more like a lick on the arm or a hand, but a kiss is still a kiss.
If you have ever spent any time around a horse you will know exactly what I am talking about.

Zedan Ranch is my little piece of heaven, my quiet corner in an oh so noisy word. Once I am through the gate and the welcoming committee comes to greet me with wagging tails and dogie smiles my problems melt away. Even if some times those pesky problems do follow me through the gate, around just about every corner there is a friendly furry face to say hello and so eager to make me forget the bad day or week I may have just had. I enjoy every minute of the time I spend brushing, cleaning pens, or what ever may need to be done. Even if it’s just for a little while I can clear my mind and put my thoughts in order.

When I moved to Italy I never thought I would be lucky enough to find a place where I can give back even a little of the joy and comfort I have been given by so many animals who have touched my heart. So in the end that’s all it really comes down to, the beauty of unconditional love.

Mary Bandiera


Well, early retirement wasn’t going as planned. Caring for my 94 year old mom, my crazy 90 year old aunt, running mind numbing errands, having numerous aperitifs with friends, and dealing with the Italian bureaucracy wasn’t cutting it.

What to do? While employed in San Francisco I had always volunteered at Animal Care and Control as a cat socializer, dog walker, and small animal caretaker (guinea pigs, reptiles, chickens, whatever).

One Sunday morning I was having a cafe and reading the newspaper at Al Cret when I spotted an ariticle about Evelyn and Zedan Ranch.

Hmm… horses, large scary creatures that I had only come in contact with as a 7 year old at the Erie County Fair (I’m a native Buffalonian). Pony rides ring a bell?
OK, maybe I could be of some use.
I phoned Evelyn, explained I knew squat about horses but would like to volunteer. She said “come on down” and she patiently showed me how to groom horses and feed them tasty treats. She wisely assigned me to an ancient 35 year old, Reica, and a gimpy but gorgeous little blue eyed pony, Angel. What a joy.
I soon became comfortable around the beautiful, intelligent, and amusing beasts and met tons of wonderful, caring people. A truely international mix. Beware, Evelyn is charming but does have a manipulative streak.

I was recently suckered into adopting a geriatric hound whose 88 year old guardian had recently died.
Apparently family members didn’t want him and were making “POUND” noises.
By word of mouth he came to Evelyn’s attention and ended up at Zedan Ranch. After a feeble “no” I agreed to adopt Kim who has cataracts and can’t hear much, ergo his many aliases: Tommy, the deaf dumb and blind dog (any WHO fans out there?) Sparky, Sport, and Mr. Tippy Toes.
He is now a most delightful addition to and the senior member of our menagerie of abandoned and spoiled rotten pets (Samantha, aka Princess, Isabella, aka Kitty NO, Lillo, aka Sir Robert Barksalot and of course Kim). Evelyn and Zedan Ranch are special. Volunteer, donate, come visit. Your spirit will be rewarded…

Mary Bandiera



Nonnina, a Westphalian, was already elderly when she arrived at the Shelter. Born around 1965 she was 30 plus years old… a considerable age for a horse!

She became the adoptive mother of a Shelter colt whose mother had died and when the colt was grown Noninna joined her friend Bianca in a large paddock to enjoy her much deserved leisure but Nonnina became depressed. She felt neglected and her hind legs swelled up. Because of this she was once again involved in the school’s activities and for an hour, two days a week, she was ridden by a very light young girl.

Because of this her mood improved greatly and even her swollen legs returned to normal. A horse Nonnina’s age has no back teeth so she was fed a special diet and was also seen by a veterinarian every three months who found her to be healthy. Unfortunately, in 2009 at the incredible and remarkable age of 44 Nonnina passed away. She was a sweet and patient grandmother to all colts, puppies and humans and, irreplaceable, will forever be missed by the Shelter.



Galileo was born in 2001, the year I went to get him from a local farmer.

His mother had died while giving birth to him and the farmer called me.

He said that Galileo was too thin to be butchered and that he had neither the time nor desire to raise him.

It was like having a baby. I bottle fed him every three hours even during the night.

When he was two they offered my 600 euros for him. He was at the age when donkey meat is highly prized for goulash.