New entry at our shelter!

Sandy, born 2008, a pony of approx. 12 hands. Sandy has worked at a riding stable as a good little jumper until she started loosing her eye sight. Now her left eye is completely blind and with her right eye she can see only shadows. To not let her end up at the butchers the Shelter took her in.
The Shelter urgently need funds for an animal which, give our financial situation, we are hard pressed to support. We are seeking someone for a distance adoption who would like to contribute to Sandy’s upkeep. Please consider giving her a hand.

IBAN : IT43M0880564890008008900302
Heartfelt Thanks,

An update of few days ago: Sandy’s blindness is almost total and irreversible 🙁

Sandy – EZ’s Place ONLUS

Sara and Teresa

Sara e Teresa

Sara and Teresa, mother and daughter, come from Alessandria and were two of five ponies cared for by an elderly gentleman.

When he passed away his family, unable to care for them had to find other caretakers for the ponies.

Two ponies (Nuvola and Gualtiero) found a home, the other three were Devil, Sara and Teresa.

Devil was immediately placed at the Shelter while Sara and Teresa found another home which proved to be inadequate so they too ended up at the Shelter.

Now they’re at peace and happy, love salad are quite mischievous but are two sweet ponies.


Angie is a Shetland pony born in 1994.

She was used in pony games, a series of play based exercises suitable even for very young children and an ideal introduction to horseback riding. Unfortunately, Angie suffered an injury which was never treated and subsequently resulted in sever shoulder problems because of this she was destined for the slaughterhouse.

Fortunately in 2009 she was rescued and brought to the Shelter. Here she underwent a year of therapy with Andrea Bertoli, DMV (osteopath) and daily massages.

Angie’s condition has greatly improved and although she will never be 100% she’s now living happily with her friends Devil, Baby and Giselle and loves being groomed and cuddled.


Galileo was born in 2001, the year I went to get him from a local farmer.

His mother had died while giving birth to him and the farmer called me.

He said that Galileo was too thin to be butchered and that he had neither the time nor desire to raise him.

It was like having a baby. I bottle fed him every three hours even during the night.

When he was two they offered my 600 euros for him. He was at the age when donkey meat is highly prized for goulash.